11/11/2008;12.55pm;at matriculation colege..
All right.. My 2nd semester in matriculation,
had just started yesterday..
yea.. quite fast.. about 6 months passed by..
kind of happy about this.. 5 more months to go..
however...yesterday morning..
i guess i just have a little bit of bad luck..
hm.. it was morning..
i think i just have to start this new semester in a good way..
but.. when i walk down of a strair...
i sliped down, and sprain my ankle..
oh gosh.. it was so painful!!!
i just cant move at all.. stopped there..
so embarrassing too.. >< everybody is passing by..
luckily i met some friends, they help me to get up..
soon, my pain was gone.. i thought my ankle will be fine..
but, things does not turned up as i imagined..
after an hour, my ankle reli injured.. i feel the real pain..
my leg is sort of 'expanded'.. haha.. it swells up..
at night, i apply a bag of ice at the ankle to make it fell beter..
well, today.. its 'ok' already..
the swelling part start to dissapear..
hope to be 'as gud as new' as soon as possible..^^
西葡自駕遊樂記 - 懸崖上的龍達(十五)
5 years ago